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In search for the best next recipe.

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Youmami v1 - CoStarting Recap

The goal when joining the CoStarting cohort 01 was to create and launch Youmami within a month. I am happy to report that it happened. To...

Hesitation and delay

The MVP is ready. I have tested it in the wild and Youmami is able to provide recommendations as I envisioned in the MVP post. However, I...

Minimum Viable Product

These are the requirements for the MVP: Easy subscription to hashtags via Instagram. Recipe finding per hashtag. Individualized...

Finding real recipes on Instagram

Youmami will be written in Python. I found two very promising packages that interact with the Instagram API to pull and push data....

What are we trying to do?

Youmami is an Instagram bot that monitors what’s trending around a specific topic (e.g., #barbecue or #vegan) and sends the user a recipe...

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